Advanced Mentorship Programs

after completing Series One

We have multiple advanced programs to help support you to better leverage your time, build your net worth and teach you to steward your money in a way that supports your life and goals.

Our mentors come alongside you throughout your journey to help you identify your plans, help you take action and support you to ensure your goals are heart and soul-centred. 

The program track for Living in Balanceβ„’ includes completing Series One over the course of your first year, followed by the Advanced Programs, which you take as you progress in your business journey.

Order of Programs

These programs include:

  • Whealthy Heart in Business (Series II) 

  • Millionaires in Training 

  • Wealth Building 

  • Wealth Building Advanced 

  • Whealthy Heart Advanced 

Whealthy Heart In Business


Building on what you learned in your first year, this program takes those tools and helps you apply them at the next level.

Series II incorporates teachings from both our Whealthy Heart and Women Wealth Builders programs to support you as you continue to grow yourself and your business.

Millionaires in Training


This program is for women entrepreneurs who have a goal to grow their net worth to more than $1 Million.

The program fine tunes the skills learned in Series I and Series II, focusing on real problems and shifting your consciousness around wealth. They say the first million is the hardest to make, let us help you do it.

Wealth Building


For women who have mastered the leverage quotient and find themselves working only on their businesses and no longer in their businesses.

This program supports women as they scale a profitable company and move their wealth toward a 7 figure annual revenue in complete balance.

Wealth Building Advanced


For women with a net worth of $1 million+, this program is a dedicated β€œboard of directors” where you are continually supported in creating the next level of your success, purpose and life in balance.

Be supported in a like-minded space to accumulate more wealth while protecting the life of your dreams.

Whealthy Heart Advanced


Strong, healthy, and balanced relationships that support your dream lifestyle are vital to your business success.

Our Whealthy Heart Advanced program helps women connect to their heart and spirit by building the confidence and commitment necessary to lead in their relationships.


"I remember the first weekend when I tried out Living In Balance for the first time. I felt the most magical feeling…like I had finally found where I belonged. The unconditional support that I felt as soon as I met the mentors and other women was unlike anything I had ever felt before. LIB truly has helped me see that I can have everything I’ve ever dreamt of, and I do not have to do it alone. With the amazing mentors who’ve come alongside and supported me, I’ve achieved my goal of travelling back to Thailand for six weeks while my business kept running without me. I now live in my dream apartment - walking distance from the ocean, and my relationship with my family and friends is more filled with love than ever before. Knowing I have LIB by my side, I have never been more confident in taking my wealth building to the next level as I enter the next phase of my business growth journey."


Founder of BNL Media Consulting
Vancouver, BC

joining Living in Balanceβ„’

Ready to Start Your Journey?


The Living in Balanceβ„’ program requires an application process to ensure you will get the most out of this experience.


Once your application form is submitted, you will be contacted by a Senior Living in Balance mentor for a one-to-one qualification call to see if this is a fit for you*.


You will be invited to meet with multiple mentors from the space to learn about the program and get a taste for what the Living in Balance experience is like for you.


If you are ready to start, you are then invited to join one Living in Balance seminar weekend, to try it on. Weekends are in March, June, and October.

*During your qualification call, you will discover if this space and program is a fit for you. If you’re not quite ready, our team will give you a roadmap for how to get there and plan on touching base in the future.

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